A month journey of.. Discomfort.

By Athirah | Coral Tulip - Friday, June 04, 2021

 "You only grow outside your comfort zone," is what they say.

Alhamdulillah, it's been a month of where I am now. It's a mixed feeling to be honest, to be a "COVID intern". You have no other option but to go on, your main focus is to finish the program on time so you get your qualification fully accredited. Then you're free to do whatever you want, and still practice as a doctor. The workload isn't worth the pay, but as a lady.. Being supported by man.. Enough to pamper youself, I guess? Haha

Oh well, like any other healthcare workers at this moment actually.. You can't quit. Worry about infecting your family with COVID? No one cares. The number of COVID patients are increasing in ward, more and more normal wards are turned into a COVID wards. How many times we missed to diagnose COVID, and exposed ourself to patients who later found to be positive.. The only thing I could do - wear the suffocating and painful N95 mask with faceshield. I'd rather suffocate now with oxygen saturation 98% in me. Yes it feels suffocating but no healthy person / even asthmatic person were found gasping or having an attack for wearing face mask properly.

The difference is we're the most ameteur in the game. You may be equipped with all the weapon, know all the tricks, but your HP is low to fully utilize it. You are not dumb, you just can't put it together.. So you will be treated as dumb anyway.

During "tagging period", I was yelled. This patient was supposed to take a medication for her to pass motion, in order to go for scope through her anus. I have endorsed the medication, I was the only one at that time during night round. God knows where's the seniors are.. So the way I endorsed it was not accurate.

I have ensured the medication is prepared, informed that she needs to go for the procedure tomorrow, hence need to take the medication on time tonight itself. Miscommunication happened, some thought she were to go for the procedure the day after, with the inaccuracy on endorsement of medication - the medication was not given when I reviewed in the morning.

So I was yelled during morning round.

Where was the seniors who left a 3 days old tagger alone in ward?

Where was the boss who didn't specifically mentioned I need to write the time and date?

Where was the nurse who I together figured out how to serve and ordered together in the system?

No one will take the blame.

Because I am the one who endorsed it and signed.

To make it worse, it was found by the on-call boss who's known as..

To recall back now, it was a simple incident. But perhaps I was exhausted.. Wait a minute. The way I write is a little too underrating. So let's just quote the words literally.




To which I admitted and fully responsible for that.

Ok that's one story. I don't prefer to share the bad things.. But I think I should. Before I stepped into this field, I wasn't quite exposed to how stressful the environment could be. And most people in deseparate, turns into someone they are now.. Which could affect their character as well if not handled well. The whole world knows how unkind the working environment is, it depends on how we react to that. It's not just certain countries, it's the whole world. Okay let's begin. This is story number one.

A scope can be either through your mouth (OGDS) or through your anus (colonosopy). In this photo, you can see the doctor is inserting through mouth.. The patient will be either unconscious or semi conscious, of course with pain killer!

Basically a camera in form of tube will be inserted. And the doctor can do procedure immediately on the spot, if needed. Let say there's bleeding, the doctor can stop the bleeding through the scope. Hence, you need the passage to be cleared from any poopss for a clearer view. Most of the time while inserting the tube from anus, the watery stool (poop lah) will come out as well, with gases.. Sorry were you reading while eating? Opssie.

To be accurate, the title should say "Hell." but that would be too mainstream.

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4 Comment

  1. Semoga dilindungi Allah dan sentiasa diberikan kesihatan yg baik. Our front liners, our heroes ❤️

  2. I didn't know the medical working environment bit harsh. I meant, it's the most stressful job yet the people around in the same field didn't help to make it less stressful. I'm sorry for that but I wish you're strong to go through this especially in this pandemic and one day will become a better version than these so-called seniors of yours. Cheer up!

  3. housemanship is painfull...i have seen quiet some incidents like yours in local hospital here....felt pitty to them....but salute....they can still remain silent...and keep smiling at patients and us (patients family)...

    do take care doctor....all the best.....
