Anyway 4 years have passed..
I am in a totally different place.
Physically? Alhamdulillah, no side effects and follow up for the post needle prick was fine.
Completed my HO training on time, no issue (on surface) alhamdulillah. Emotionally bruised will heal by time.
Moved to different state, one of the thing I never imagined was to drive more than 3 hours weekly one way to get home.
Worked every night and day continuously for 22 days. No break in between - yes included Saturday and Sunday. Makes it about 80-100 hours of working per week.
Completed my compulsory service as Medical Officer as well, a full pledged registered doctor in Malaysia.
Got married.
Now I'm residing in Scotland, United Kingdom.
Here I am writing on Maghrib of First day of Ramadhan.. Counting endless blessings. But a little sad because ever since I worked - this year is the year I'm most broken financially.. I haven't been working cause I'm doing my postgraduate study. Ramadan and Aidilfitri was the time I'd splurge on my mom and family.
They don't really need me, I make way less than them even now that they're no longer working full time. Haha. But it's just.. My happiness. Well I guess I gotta keep my heads up, believe in His words that the best thing a child can do is to pray for them.
I would never be able to pursue my study without them teaching me to read at the beginning. So all these are for Ummi and Ayah. May Allah grant them the Highest place, provide them with barakah in their daily life, and protect them.
I wish I could give you more but these are all that I have for now.